

Color palettes play a crucial role in establishing a unified visual identity and enhancing the user experience. Designers and developers can ensure a cohesive color scheme by adhering to these predefined palettes.


Understanding our color palette

Neutral Colors

Neutral colors help maintain clarity, readability, and a visually pleasing user experience.


Background Colors

Light mode UIs are predominantly white and can use gray light 3 as a secondary background color. Dark Mode UIs are predominantly MongoDB Black and can use gray dark 4 as a secondary background color.


Accent Colors


Primary colors serve as a key component for brand recognition, visual hierarchy, interactivity, and conveying important information to users.

  • Green: It is frequently used for buttons and interactive elements to draw attention and prompt user actions. Usage of primary color can make CTAs stand out, encouraging users to click or engage with them. Also, the primary green color can be used to indicate a successful state.
  • Blue: It is typically used for links or to call attention to information that needs to stand out.
  • Yellow: It is used for communicating content warnings, yellow effectively conveys a cautionary status.
  • Red: It is reserved for signaling critical errors, failures, or disabled content, red ensures users immediately recognize and address urgent issues.

Alternative Colors


Purple is considered a tertiary color. It can serve as a decorative element, such as a brand shape used in the background, or be applied to elements that don't necessarily require to convey content status.

Color Accessibility

Contrast requirements for WCAG AA compliance, and best practices for supporting vision-impaired users. View our accessibility guidelines to learn more.

  • The non-decorative text must have a 4.5:1 contrast ratio with its background. If the text appears above a gradient or shadow, use the lightest point in that gradient as the background color when checking the text contrast.
  • Non-text information like icons or images conveying information used to understand the interface should meet a 3:1 contrast ratio.
  • Disabled elements like buttons or inputs do not need to meet contrast requirements, but labels associated with them should.
  • When colored text is used to convey the meaning behind the text in an interface (such as red error and green success messages), use an icon to supplement the text to provide an additional cue to those with poor color vision.

Non-text information

When working with type, make sure that your copy passes accessibility constraints. You can check this by installing Contrast, a contrast checker plugin for Figma. Non-text information like icons or images conveying information used to understand the interface should meet a 3:1 contrast ratio. Make sure to use a color Gray Base or darker for the icons.


When working with type, make sure that your copy passes accessibility constraints. You can check this by installing Contrast, a contrast checker plugin for Figma. Remember the 4.5:1 contrast rule. If the contrast between the color of your text and its background is 4.5:1 or higher it’s accessible; if it’s lower it’s not. For more contrast constraints consult our accessibility guidelines.

Dark mode

In the instances where a designer is working on Dark mode UIs that use non-LeafyGreen components, use this chart as a reference for what colors to use.





Primary text

Default body copy; Headers; Input Labels

Gray/Light 2 —————————— #E8EDEB


Secondary text

Secondary body copy; Input descriptions

Gray/Light 1 —————————— #C1C7C6


Icon color

Use for default icon colors

Gray/Light 1 —————————— #C1C7C6


Disabled text

Copy for disabled labels and descriptions

Gray/Base —————————— #889397



Use for menu borders or dividers

Gray/Dark 2 —————————— #3D4F58



Use for any text links

Blue/Light 1 —————————— #0498EC


Primary background

Use for the primary background fill

MDB Black —————————— #001E2B


Secondary background

Use for the secondary background fill

Gray/Dark4 —————————— #112733
